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Knowledge and Understanding

Since we started back two weeks ago, our focus has been on kickstarting the year with supportive and forward-looking discussions with each member of the team. The main forum for this is enticingly called ‘supervision’, and Susie, together with Sara (back from maternity - yay!) has spent time discussing life with the team, offering a safe environment to air any anxieties, voice political views, and also setting meaningful objectives for the short term (and some long term!). 

In addition, Sara has gone into the rooms in short bursts, fully masked, time-limited, outdoors etc, to work with the team on their practice and knowledge. She has been using an in-house document called “the 3IIIs”, which – using the language of the EYFS – prompts the practitioners to consider the Intention, Implementation and Impact of the resources, activities, and environment layout they have out for the children. The team have shone, showing that they really have put a lot of thought into what they do, reflecting the children’s interests and developmental needs.

The following week, each room team was asked to complete, as a group, an in-house Safeguarding quiz. They had to do the same quiz three days in a row and this did flummox them! But, because they hadn’t had feedback, they questioned themselves and each other, discussed animatedly to ensure they had the correct answer, and therefore consolidated their knowledge. Sara then went in (same style as before) and individually pop-quizzed different members of the team on different aspects of safeguarding. Happy to say, the process did seem to work! They team does know what they need to, considering safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.

Childcare is a really rewarding but hard job, which is underpinned by expectations of knowledge and understanding of a range of topics (statutory and developmental). It carries a huge amount of responsibility, so by implementing quizzes, setting objectives that are SMART, creating challenges that prompt thought and reflection, we aim to build our team’s confidence and allow their brilliance to shine. We have more of these planned on other areas, so will update when we do these too.

@BananaMoon - 4 years ago


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Opening Times

We are open 7.30am - 6.30pm

Lower Sundon

Banana Moon Day Nursery, 2 Manor Farm Court Manor Road
Lower Sundon

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