Ofsted have just announced that they will resume routine grading inspections from Summer next year, which I think is reflective of the pressure Education widely is under to offer a ‘normal’ education when the reality is, everything is far from normal. Ofsted will continue to undertake monitoring visits and also support and reassurance visits in response to concerns raised by settings.
In September 2021, there will also be a reformed EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage – which lays out the standards for learning, development and care for children between birth and 5. This new framework is already being trialled by settings across the country, and broadly speaking aims to improve outcomes at 5 years, improve language particularly for those with disadvantaged backgrounds, and also reduce workload for teachers and early years practitioners.
The first obvious change is that we will be looking at Under 3, 3 to 4 year olds, and children in Reception. The age bracket overlaps we work with currently will change! And while there is plenty of opinion (and dissension) about the reviewed EYFS out there for those of you inclined to google, change is always interesting.
The seven areas of learning have not changed, but the ‘categories’ within them have. There is now comprehension! Mathematical patterns! Self-Regulation! No technology! Oral health! There are others, but these are the ones that jump out for me, but it’s all personal.
Although we are not expected to use the new EYFS before it is formally launched in September 2021, we must prepare and reflect on what we may need to adapt in readiness. I sense that a launch in September, to coincide with school terms, must be factored in to our school readiness preparation, even though we are a year round setting. We must focus on our curriculum, which always seems like such a big word for our early years world. But that’s it, isn’t it? Because we’re always getting bigger!
We are constantly learning. Off to ponder.
@BananaMoon - 4 years ago